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Cloud vs On-Site Data Storage

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Cloud vs On-Site Data Storage

Cloud and Onsite data protection is of the utmost importance in today’s business world. However, there can be controversy when it comes to deciding whether a company is better suited for cloud or onsite data management. Like most technologies and services, both cloud storage and onsite storage have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on what your business prioritizes and its requirements We’re here to help make your decision as simple as possible.

Cloud-Based Data Storage

Businesses and non-profits often seek practical and affordable ways to store their digital information. Cloud storage has proven to be a great option for many companies, providing cost-effective solutions that can be customized to suit your business’ needs. As of today, cloud-based storage is known to be one of the most convenient and efficient methods when it comes to storing data online.

Here are a few pros and cons of cloud-based data storage:


  • Eliminate hardware and capital expenses
  • Minimize IT staff responsibility
  • Flexible to your budget
  • Access your data anywhere
  • Easy and convenient backup process


  • Relies on an internet connection
  • Storage limitations based on budget
  • Difficult to migrate
  • Lack of total control
  • Requires a third-party company
  • Potential for online data-breach
onsite vs cloud storage

Onsite Data Storage

Although cloud storage has been all the rage in modern business technology, there are still many companies that believe onsite storage solutions work better for business’ needs. For example, healthcare and accounting companies may favor the greater security of on-premises solutions because their patient and client data are factors that they cannot risk compromising.

Here are a few pros and cons of onsite data storage:


  • Operate without internet
  • Provides greater security
  • Full control over server hardware
  • Unlimited data storage
  • Immediate access to data


  • Hardware and capital expenses
  • Requires additional IT support
  • Extensive deployment process
  • Increase risk of permanent data loss
  • Scalability is limited

Whenever a company is considering adding new software to their business, it is essential for them to know and understand the different options that are available in order to determine what is best for their business’ security. Our team of IT professionals at BrightLink are here to help educate you on the different variables regarding cloud backup and onsite backup solutions to ensure that your companies’ productivity is never compromised.